MSI News

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April 6 Outage

Using Wastewater to Create Energy

Breweries generate a very large amount of wastewater that must be purified prior to release into the environment.

MSI PIs Receive Patents in 2023

The Technology Commercialization office has compiled a list of U of M researchers who were awarded U.S.

April 2024 Maintenance

On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems.

MSI PI Phil Pardey Discusses Agricultural R&D

MSI PI Phil Pardey (professor, Applied Economics) talks about agricultural R&D and its importance to everyone in an interview appearing on the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) website: Why you should care about ag R&D.Professor Pardey uses MSI for studies into the economics of international agriculture.

MSI PI Keith Barker Discusses Bird Migration

MSI PI Keith Barker (associate professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Curator of Genetic Resources Collection, Bell Museum) appeared on a recent edition of WCCO-TV’s regular feature, Good Question.

Rocky8 Transition

Replacing a soon to be defunct operating systemDue to the end of support for the current cluster operating system (CentOS 7), the underlying operating system must be upgraded.

TEDxMinneapolis Talk by MSI PI Christy Haynes

A 2022 TEDxMinneapolis talk by MSI PI Christy Haynes (professor, Chemistry) has been re-edited and elevated to the main TED website.

In Memoriam – James “JJ” Johnson

James “JJ” Johnson, who worked at MSI as a senior software developer for many years, passed away on March 1, 2024.

March 2024 Maintenance

On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems.

Distinguished Teaching Awards 2023-24

The University of Minnesota annually recognizes faculty members for their outstanding contributions to teaching and learning.

MSI PI Hubert Lim to Head Medical Devices Center

The Earl E Bakken Medical Devices Center (MDC) has announced that their next Director will be MSI PI Hubert Lim (professor, Otolaryngology and Biomedical Engineering).