
Drug Discovery
Structural Biology
Molecular Modeling and Simulation

Software Description

AMBER. Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement. AMBER refers to two things: a molecular mechanical force field for the simulation of biomolecules (which is in general use in a variety of simulation programs)- and a package of molecular simulation programs which includes source code and demos.


Module Name


Last Updated On


Support Level

Secondary Support

Software Access Level

Open Access

Home Page


Software Description

AMBER. Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement. AMBER refers to two things: a molecular mechanical force field for the simulation of biomolecules (which is in general use in a variety of simulation programs)- and a package of molecular simulation programs which includes source code and demos.

General Linux

To run this software interactively in a Linux environment run the command:

module avail amber

and choose the most recent version of the software applicable to your research. The exact name of the module will vary from machine to machine, and over time with new updates so be sure to study the list printed with the 'module avail' command demonstrated above. For example,

module load amber/11

The amber module requires and will automatically load several other modules. Pay attention to any error messages or warnings that result from loading the module as conflicts with other packages already loaded in your environment are a common source of error. An example submission script is below. Note that the #PBS lines need to be tuned for each cluster's policies. You may not need to run short jobs through the queue, so the program can be used interactively by loading the module and running the executable directly at the command prompt.

#!/bin/bash -l 
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00,mem=16gb,nodes=2:ppn=8 
#PBS -m abe

module load amber


mpirun sander.MPI -O -i -o AMP2md39.out -p \
  AMP2_wat.prmtop -c AMP2md38.rst -r AMP2md39.rst -x \

Agate Modules



Other Modules

14-cuda, 20, 20-quick, 14, 14-intel

Mangi Modules



Other Modules

20, 20-quick, 14, 14-intel

Mesabi Modules



Other Modules

14-cuda, 20, 20-quick, 14, 14-intel