MSI Research Spotlights

MSI's Impactful Contributions and Collaborations

Explore the transformative research and dynamic collaborations supported by MSI. From pioneering breakthroughs spanning diverse disciplines to influential public-private partnerships, discover the profound impact across the University, the state of Minnesota, and the nation.

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Robot Swarms

A branch of multi-robot systems called swarm robotic (SR) systems investigates algorithms and problem-solving techniques inspired by insects like bees, ants, and termites.

Neuroimaging and Genetic Data Resources

Big Data resources have become increasingly important to researchers in many fields.

Bioinformatics Research of Algal Blooms in Ice

The amount of ice around the globe is decreasing rapidly.

Planet Imagery

Satellite imagery has greatly advanced during the past years and has become widely used in many research areas.

Active Textile Research

Functional, or “smart,” materials can be used for engineering applications in fields such as medical devices, rehabilitation, aerospace, and defense.

Macrophages Maintain Stable Mammary Environment

Macrophages are important immune cells that detect and destroy invading cells.

Precision Medicine for Ovarian Cancer

Several MSI PIs and RIS group staff members are working on a University of Minnesota Grand Challenge research project to develop a precision medicine approach to treating ovarian cancer.

Improving Robot Learning Through Visual Forecasting

Farming is an essential part of Minnesota’s economy, and the University of Minnesota has a long tradition of providing farmers with state-of-the-art technologies to increase productivity.

Pipeline for Disease Transmission

In order to protect the health of their animals, it is critical for farmers to understand how infectious diseases spread.

Identifying Tunneling Nanotubes With Machine Learning

Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) are long, thin, spontaneously forming actin-based cellular extensions that occur in a variety of cell types, including inflammatory cells, neurons, and malignant cells.

Studying Genes to Help Dogs and Humans

Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks and removes its own blood cells, causing severe anemia and other problems.

Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) is a fatal genetic neurodegenerative disease for which there are no treatments.