MSI Research Spotlights

MSI's Impactful Contributions and Collaborations

Explore the transformative research and dynamic collaborations supported by MSI. From pioneering breakthroughs spanning diverse disciplines to influential public-private partnerships, discover the profound impact across the University, the state of Minnesota, and the nation.

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Genetic Differentiation and Migration of the Wheat Leaf Rust Fungus in Worldwide Populations

Wheat leaf rust is caused by a fungus (Puccinia triticina) that attacks wheat and other cereal crops.

Desynchronization of Circadian Rhythms in ICU Patients

Circadian rhythms, which coordinate the sleep-wake cycle and have a roughly 24-hour period, are now known to be important to physical health.

Measuring Isoprene Levels for More Accurate Atmospheric Modeling

Isoprene is a highly reactive compound released by woody plants into the atmosphere.

Improving Treatments for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in women.

Crystal Structure of Fowlpox Virus Resolvase

Fowlpox is a viral disease of chickens and turkeys that occurs worldwide.

Better Zeolite Nanosheets

Zeolites are a class of materials that are used by industry as adsorbents and catalysts.

Improving Predictions of Soil Nitrogen Mineralization

The Nutrient Network ( ), aka NutNet, is a global collaborative research group studying two of the most important effects of humans on grassland ecosystems: alteration of herbivore (i.e., grazing animal) density and increased supply of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

A New Model for Multilayer Graphene

Graphene, a two-dimensional form of carbon, has generated a great deal of excitement since its discovery.

Deep Learning at MSI

Over the past year, MSI has been increasing resources available to researchers working in machine learning fields.

Identifying Rust Resistance Genes in Wheat

Wheat leaf rust is a fungus (Puccinia triticina) that attacks wheat and other cereal crops.

Expanding the Galaxy Platform

Galaxy is an open-source, web-accessible, integrated informatics solution for data-intensive research in biological and medical science.

Mesabi, MSI's New Supercomputer

Mesabi is a heterogeneous compute system built by HP.