Dr. Heidi Roop

CFANS Soil, Water & Climate
College of Food, Ag & Nat Res Sci
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Minnesota Climate Data Project

The University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership (MCAP) advances critical climate science, champions adaptation leadership, and supports climate resilience actions and collaborations across sectors and levels of government to ensure Minnesota is making needed progress to prepare for our changing climate. This work is a cross-cutting program supported by U of M Extension and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences. The work includes generating and providing climate projection data to a range of stakeholder groups across and outside of the University. With support from the Minnesota State Legislature, the Partnership will be producing high-resolution climate projection data and tools for use across a range of sectors and requires MSI computing resources. 

Project Investigators

Dena Coffman
Dr. Stefan Liess
Dr. Heidi Roop
Associate Professor Tracy Twine
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