Dr. Luciano Caixeta

VETMD Vet Population Med
College of Veterinary Medicine
Twin Cities
Project Title: 
Ruminant Microbiome and Metabolome

This group has multiple projects that require large computing and storage resources in order to complete data analysis. The group has been investigating the microbiome of different parts of the bovine body and its association with health and performance. These projects include:

  • Catalyzing an open-community research and education program to leverage the microbiome for the advancement of organic livestock production, using mastitis as a test case
  • Rapid bioinformatic analysis of existing metagenomic data for evidence for rumen protozoal associations with antimicrobial resistance and mobilization genes
  • Development of a multivariable uterine index at calving to predict the occurrence of metritis in dairy cows – pilot project
  • Comparison of ruminal and fecal microbiome of low and high producing dairy cows in Colorado -- pilot project

Project Investigators

Dr. Luciano Caixeta
Christopher Dean
Peter Ferm
Tara Nath Gaire
Blake Jorgenson
Dr. Noelle Noyes
Anay Ravelo
Ilya Slizovskiy
Cong Zhu
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